Buy & Sell with BBW

Purchasing from BBW

As a wholesale distributor, BBW partners with other distributors, retailers and resellers to distribute Smartphone equipment and tablets worldwide.

Why Would I Buy from BBW

As a wholesale distributor, BBW partners with other distributors, retailers and resellers to distribute Smartphone equipment and tablets worldwide.

Selling to BuyBack Wireless

You can sell your used iPhones, Smartphone’s or iPads to BuyBack Wireless quickly and easily for cash.

Why Would I Sell to BBW

To keep our commitment, we honor our Core Values:

  • Trust, Operate Responsibly and Accountability.

  • We will provide you with ethical and fair compensation for your fully functional device.

  • We will not high ball the estimate, then reduce it substantially upon payment.

Purchasing or Selling Specialists Available

Call and speak to our customer service representatives to discuss the devices you would like to buy or sell.

(646) 397-3011